Thursday, March 3, 2022

Check out my new jacket, 
isn't it great? 
I love it so much, 
I'll wear it each day. 

It's green with big buttons, 
all fancy and gold, 
a soft velvet color 
with a right and left fold. 

If I ever get, 
to be on a screen,
My lucky jacket is perfect, 
You know what I mean? 

Green is invisible 
on the screens of TV 
I hide in plain sight... 
Can you see me? 


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Did you see me? Under the chair? 

Do you see me? Everywhere! 

Blink and I'm gone, 

In a flash of an eye,

If you see me, please say "HI!"

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

It's Luck... with a truck.... and I'm not stuck!

It's just me, Luck! 

I drove through town in a green truck.

I had a dollar and called it a buck.

I had to be quiet, so I snuck,

I had to be careful, so I didn't get stuck.

I left some tricks behind, so they'd say "Yuck!"

Soon this year's tricks will come to a close,

and I'll tuck in somewhere from my head to my toes.