Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A Cow With Green Spots

It's almost that time of year again... so I'm writing on my blog. My adventures have recently taken me around the world and I landed in the Lone Star state. I saw a Cow Contest at a school I visited and I decided to enter... does my cow look lucky? I think so! 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Things I Love

Here are some things that I love:

1. The number 17
2. Four leaf clovers
3. My ladybug Lucinda
4. Patterns. I think they are lucky. 
5. Gold
6. The colors green, yellow, and orange.
7. Being nice and giving people luck

Thursday, January 30, 2025

My Favorite Food

I get very hungry.  I love to eat Lucky Charms. My favorite marshmallows are green. I love to eat lots of sugar.  I also really love PIZZA. I could eat pizza every single day of the year! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Key Alert!

I love orange and I love keys so I had to take some, just for me.

I couldn't carry every one so I dropped a key, but it was fun.

Enjoy your time, as a tech free class, 

Keep an eye out for your key to be back! 

I love tricks!

I might like tricks, but I'm also kind. 

Sometimes fun and glitter I leave behind,

I think tricks are fun to make you smile, 

I know I've been doing them for awhile.

It's my favorite time of year in March,

I hope you are enjoying my tricks before I part. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Reading is Fun!

Do you love to read? 
I do too.
I read books that are red
and books that are blue,
I read books up high 
and books down low,
But when I'm lucky,
A green book is where I go! 


Thursday, March 2, 2023


 Does your principal’s name rhyme with GREEN?

Are you planning to trap me and make me be seen? 

I’m a tricky guy always on the run,

And I love to spread joy and lucky fun!